The value of people
How to recognise your team members who are true talents and how to bring out the best in each one.
In most of the companies I have met and worked with, the theme 'valuable employee' comes up very often, but what exactly do we mean by the term 'value'? Who are the people of value?
Before clarifying this, it is only right to dwell on the notion that we are all focused on finding 'people of value', who would not want them in their company? How often, however, do we ask ourselves: what am I doing to increase the value of my team? Do I really know the resources of each member of my team?
Skills are the basic prerequisite for achieving business goals, but 'knowing' alone is not enough, one must also 'know how to do'.
The entrepreneur today has a key role in human resources management, it is no longer enough to know how to do one's job, to know the market, competitors, etc., but the companies that are successful and that work best are those that are led by people who are able and have a clear strategy of creating value in their people as well as choosing the right ones in line with one's vision and who 'marry' one's project.
So who are the valuable people?
True talents are simply people who share the values of the company, are productive and create results by adding value in terms of attitude and ideas and create a positive impact within the group.
What are the characteristics that help us recognise valuable and talented people in our group?
The sense of inadequacy because the talent,, even if it achieves good results, never feels it has arrived, never knows enough.
The sense of urgency because for a talent the right time is always now or now, he wants to get results immediately without procrastinating or putting everything off.
Disponibilità al cambiamento perché in un’epoca veloce come quello che stiamo vivendo non possiamo avere persone non disposte al cambiamento veloce.
Willingness to change because in a fast age such as the one we are living in, we cannot have people who are not willing to change quickly.
Orientation to do before having because true talent acts first, brings results and then demands something in return.
NO PROBLEM' attitude because the talent is focused on results and thinks that any obstacle can be overcome and any difficulty solved.
Such a person in the company puts a smile back on your face, makes you want to start up again, to launch yourself on the market with new projects, makes you feel that you are not alone. It rekindles your hopes. All it takes is the right person to change your company forever. Because the right person brings new life and new stimulus.
But if you look at your company or the group of people you are managing today and you feel like you don't have people like that around you, does that mean you have stopped looking for them or maybe you have stopped believing in them?
It is true that such people are rare, but they do exist and sometimes they are hidden in our offices because maybe we don't talk to them enough, we don't have constant confrontation or we simply don't know them.
The task of every entrepreneur, director or manager is to identify the people who can help the company prosper and grow.
There are many ways of identifying these people in the company, e.g. through assessment processes, training courses, personnel appraisal processes and all that is needed to implement a process policy even within one's own employees in exactly the same way as we manage a sales department, a warehouse and logistics etc.
The biggest mistake we can make is to think and take our team for granted because they are producing good results today and the company has good profits, etc., but have you ever asked yourself how much your work counts on the company's total results? Or how much more you could do by taking small steps to enhance those talents you have not yet discovered or have not had the chance to discover? Or even how much time are you wasting on the 'problems' caused by the 'non-talents'?
It is important to ask ourselves these questions in order to understand where we are and especially when things are going well, because investing in value and human capital today will not lead to 'bad surprises' in the future.